Our ref: HSR/2/4
Head Office Circular: NP/195/22
16th September 2022
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
Further to Head Office Circular NP/32/22, dated 4th February 2022, I have received further correspondence from Network Rail incorporating changes to the guide to investigating speeding events following a recent speeding investigation, carried out by Route Services.
RMT Lead Representatives have submitted a number of comments, including whether we have figures from Network Rail of speeding drivers, and if so, how many were fatally injured; how many needed hospital treatment; and how many were pushed beyond their safe limits.
A high percentage of investigations regarding speeding, appear to demonstrate that the drivers, one way or another, have been pushed beyond their safe limits through overwork, long hours, desperation to get home to their family, personal problems, and/or underlying stress, anxiety and depression.
If documents are going to be considered in this fashion they need to be accurate and put speeding into context with the actual world and not the narrative the company wishes to create to get rid of people.
At its meeting on 13th September your National Executive Committee noted and adopted the following report from its Health and Safety sub-committee:
We note the correspondence on file from Network Rail.
The General Secretary is instructed to write to Network Rail incorporating the comments received from RMT’s Lead Reps.
Any updates to be placed back before this NEC.
Relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.
I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary