Head Office Circular NP/037/21
Our Ref: HSR/1/3
27th January 2021
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Further to Head Office Circular NP/316/20, 23rd December 2020, further talks have been held with the company and I am pleased to report that at their meeting on 26th January 2021 the National Executive Committee on considering a report of or representatives in this matter noted and adopted the following report:
That we note the report on file from the Lead Officer and the SAFE WORK PRINCIPLES FOR NETWORK RAIL STAFF AND CONTRACTORS draft document. We note that this latest document is supported by our Lead Officers and National Reps. In particular we note the following elements of this document:
Clause 3: that works in engineering and maintenance are only those that are essential and that the essential works and training will be reviewed with the trade union Representatives in meetings.
Clause 6: An arrangement for staff to commence duty from home and not be required to return to the workplace when work is complete. Also provides for escalation if issues arise.
Clause 11: provision on CEV staff staying at home to shield with payment in accordance with published base rosters (not on basic pay).Clause 12: provision for those with a CEV person in their household to voluntarily shield with payment in accordance with published base rosters (not on basic pay).
Clause 13: provision for those who are CV (or moderate risk) with measures to be taken and the possibility of remaining at home with payment in accordance with published base rosters (not on basic pay) following assessment.
Clause 15: emphasis on 2-metres social distancing, additional measures and relevant Risk Assessments.
Accordingly, the General Secretary is instructed to write to Network Rail accepting these principles.
While these agreed principles address issues that are relevant there will continue to be issues arising all over the organisation and we will need to remain in dialogue with the company at all levels to address them including quickly escalating matters of concern and disagreement. Therefore the General Secretary is instructed to inform our Network Rail Reps and members to remain vigilant during this ongoing pandemic and report all Health and Safety concerns.
Members to be informed by text and email.
Relevant Branches, Regional Councils and Reps to be advised.
I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will provide Branches and Regional Councils with a copy of the final document as soon as it becomes available.
Please bring the contents of this Circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary