Our Ref: HSR/4/2
Head Office Circular: NP/165/22
4th August 2022
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
Your NEC (National Executive Committee) met on 2nd August 2022 to consider a report from its health and safety sub-committee, relating to an update they had received from lead RMT NR rep about the NR National Electrical Safety Delivery working group.
In his report the lead rep explained that the group had appointed RMT safety rep, Keith Heiniger, to undertake a series of cradle to grave assessments on the current isolation process and to report back any key areas where he believes that there is increased risk with the working practices. Issues that have been identified believed to import the greatest risk and which were contributory factors in the recent OHL (Overhead Line) Electric Shock incidents at Kensal Green, Wolverton and Langley Jn. It is hoped that this work will contribute to achieving much needed significant change in OHL working practices.
When the NEC met on 2nd August, they noted and adopted the following report from their health and safety sub-committee:
We note the report from the Lead union H&S Representative, for which he is thanked.
The General Secretary is instructed to seek a further report from the Lead Rep following October’s meeting and a meeting of this NEC’s Health and Safety sub-committee, Lead Rep Bro. Carlo Pezzulo and Rep Bro. Keith Heiniger.
Relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.
I am acting in accordance with these instructions.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary