Our ref: HSR/4/2
Head Office Circular: NP/154/22
21st July 2022
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
Your York and District Branch submitted the following resolution:
The Branch is raising the resolution requesting support and assistances from the NEC with regards the present H&S Structure within Network Rail Operations.
The initial issued raised at Branch several months ago was the number of Local H&S Representatives based in York ROC and the subsequent Sub ROC’s
York Leeds Sub ROC Two H&S Representatives North East Route
York Sheffield Sub ROC Two H&S Representatives North East Route
York South Sub ROC One H&S Representative East Coast Route
The Branch in trying to facilitate our member’s requests that York South Sub ROC requires an additional H&S Representative, and proposed that the matter be raised within the Companies machinery to resolve this matter.
However, this has not resolved the issue and in supporting our members the Branch has tried to clarify the present situation, however, has not been able to ascertain a comprehensive list of present Area H&S Representatives within Operations or a copy of the agreed Local Constituencies and the number of seats for each location, this includes contacting the Lead Officer, Lead H&S Representatives and both the Regional and Head Offices.
The Branch notes the present structure still relates to the agreed Area Structure signed off in 2013 and now appears not to align to either the present Company’s Structure or the revised Unions Industrial Structure within Network Rail Operations.
The Branch has been also been advised that Area Health & Safety Representatives are elected, therefore it would be Head Office that runs these elections and yet it cannot provide a list of elected representatives.
The Branch is also advised that it is the responsibility of the elected Area H&S Representatives to agree the constituencies at Local Level; however, again it has not been possible to obtain.
The Branch accepts it does not intervene within the machinery and that is the role of our elected Representatives and Network Rail to resolve, however, the Branch has been placed in a difficult position and cannot support its members in resolving this matter, as we cannot nominate any of the Branch members into a H&S Representative position that does not exist.
The Branch submits the resolution to our NEC for consideration and assistance in resolving the present structure which appears from reports being received at Branch as dysfunctional not structured and out dated, in other words not fit for purpose.
The Branch requests that the NEC instruct the General Secretary to produce and publish a full list of the present elected H&S Representatives for each Area, and obtain from the Area Representatives in the North Eastern and Great Northern Areas a full list of constituencies and the number of seats within and publish.
In addition the Branch would recommend that a full review is carried out to ensure we have an adequate structure capable of capturing all Health and Safety issues at the lowest level, but which can facilitate escalation when necessary.
At its meeting on 19th July 2022, your National Executive Committee noted and adopted the following report from its Health and Safety sub-committee:
We note the report from the resolution from York and District branch.
The General Secretary is instructed to act in line with the resolution and produce and publish a full list of the present elected H&S Representatives for each Area and obtain from the Area Representatives in the North Eastern and Great Northern Areas a full list of constituencies and the number of seats within.
Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.
I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring the contents of this circular and the attached document to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary