Dear Colleague
Network Rail have advised the Union that as part of their work on safety culture and cultural change Network Rail is considering introducing a series of Life Saving Rules in order to tackle the areas of highest risk on the railway. They have assessed all areas of the business and identified the riskiest areas of work as follows:
- Contact with Trains
- Working with Electricity
- Working at Height
- Working with Moving Equipment
- Driving
- Personal Responsibility
They have then designed a number of rules around these risks that they hope will reduce the level of harm associated with these activities. The company believe that adherence to these rules will lead to a safer working environment.
The company have made a presentation to the General Grades Committee on this matter. The GGC have nominated our Network Rail Maintenance Co-ordinators to work with the company to take this matter forward. Key to our acceptance of these proposed rules will be how violations of the rules are dealt with and our representatives are involved in developing an equitable solution to this issue. The GGC have asked for regular reports to be made to them on this matter and I will keep you informed of developments.
Please bring the contents of this Circular to the attention of members.
Yours sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary