Our ref: HSR/2/5
Head Office Circular: NP/139/21
30th April 2021
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
I write further to Head Office Circular NP/127/21, 23rd April 2021.
Your National Executive Committee (NEC) met on 29th April 2021 to consider a report on Live Line Indicator HVD03/2D from our Lead Union Health and Safety Representatives. This report explained how the continued delay in the supply of a new version of the tester is putting our members at risk.
In relation to this when your NEC met on 29th April they noted and adopted the following resolution:
That we note the report on file from the Lead H&S Reps.
We note that Network Rail are relying on only one supplier for the procurement of the new testers and that the Reps are sceptical of the new supply date of 25th June.
We further note that all Network Rail isolation staff have now been issued with the new version of the tester, however some supply chain companies, and staff have not been supplied the new equipment.
We also note that Network Rail are suggesting modifying/updating the old equipment to alleviate the supply issues.
Accordingly, the General Secretary is instructed to write to Network Rail stating that we are strongly opposed to the use of a modified version of HVD03/2D Live Line Indicator.
Also to demand that Network Rail give a cast iron guarantee in writing that the 25th June deadline is met.
Members to be informed by text and email.
Relevant Branches, Regional Councils and Reps to be advised.
I am acting in accordance with this instruction and will keep you advised of developments.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary