Our ref: HSR/2/5
Head Office Circular: NP/127/21
23rd April 2021
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
I write further to Head Office Circular NP/103/21, 31 March 2021 and the National Executive Committee (NEC) decision contained within this Circular which included advice as to using Worksafe Procedures in relation to the use of HDV003/2D live line testing equipment and to refuse isolations if HDV003/2D was being used.
Subsequent to this circular I received advice that this instruction could deem the RMT open to legal action by the way of a Court Injunction through having induced staff to take unofficial industrial action without the back up of a ballot of its members, additionally if individual members were to follow this instruction, they could be subject to disciplinary action.
I therefore write to inform you that the previous NEC decision as per Head Office Circular NP/103/21 has been withdrawn.
In connection with this, when they met on 22nd April 2021 your NEC noted adopted the following report of its Health and Safety Sub Committee:
Referring to Decision NWW, 6th April 2021, your Health and Safety Sub-committee submits the following report:
We note the advice received, and that the company are having difficulties in regard to procurement. General Secretary is instructed to arrange a meeting with the relevant representatives to discuss this matter.
Additionally, correspondence has been received from Network Rail pushing back the date for its withdrawal of the HVD03/2D Live Line Indicator. A copy of the correspondence is attached to the file. The matter is placed before you for your consideration.
In its decision, your NEC added that:
That we note and adopt the report of our Health and Safety Sub Committee.
Further we note the latest correspondence from the company stating that they are still having difficulty in procurement of replacement devices.
The withdrawal date of the 16th April 2021 will be retained for all Regions except Wales and Western Region where an extended period of use will be permitted up until 25th June 2021.
Accordingly, the General Secretary is instructed to convene a meeting between the AGS, Lead officer, NEC and our members who sit on Live Line Indicator working group to discuss this matter.
Relevant Branches, Regional Councils and Reps to be advised.
I am acting in accordance with this instruction and will keep you advised of developments.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary