Our ref: HSR
Head Office Circular: NP/176/23
4th October 2023
To: The Secretary
All branches
Regional Councils
For the attention of all Network Rail Employees
Dear Colleague,
I have received correspondence from Network Rail as regards the above, in the form of a letter giving an update on progress made in consultations with RMT as regards this matter and an RDD- Remote Disconnection Device Memorandum of Consultation document.
Your NEC (National Executive Committee) met on 28th September 2023 to consider this correspondence and in connection with this agreed the following resolution:
We note the correspondence on file and the clarification given. The General Secretary is instructed to ensure this clarification is given to our health and safety reps that participated in the trials and to inform Network Rial that we agree with local consultation proceeding.
Affected members and branched to be advised.
I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary