Network Rail - S&T Work at Height Steering Group

Our Ref: HSR/2/6
Head Office Circular: NP/175/16
22nd June 2016

The Secretary

Dear Colleague

Network Rail - S&T Work at Height Steering Group

Further to Head Office Circular No. NP/149/16, 19th May 2016 and following a meeting between our representatives and the National Executive Committee in which the company’s proposal for two person working at height was discussed the National Executive Committee have noted and adopted the following report of their Health and Safety Sub-committee:

Having met with our working party representatives we do not accept the company’s proposal to reduce to 2 person working in some circumstances. Their argument that 2-person mode of operation would be as safe as 3-person operation is not proven.

Considering all factors, including productive work available and good health and safety practice, it is safer, quicker and easier to plan and undertake this task with 3 persons deployed in the S&T team.
The General Secretary is instructed to convey this decision to the company and our representatives are further instructed to attend the HAZOP and ensure that our concerns are highlighted in the risk assessment. A further report to be placed back in front of this National Executive Committee.

Branches and Regional Councils be advised.

I am acting in accordance with this instruction. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary