Our ref: HSR/2/29
Head Office Circular: NP/203/22
16th September 2022
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
I am in receipt of a report from your RMT Lead Representative together with comments from other RMT Health and Safety Representatives.
As a union we remain fully committed to validate safety investigations in Independent Review Panels (IRPs) when the rules of engagement are followed.
Recently the Scottish IRP had five reports to review. The reps felt the panel did not give them the time, commitment nor respect for one of the reports which had numerous reckless conventions outcomes for our front-line members.
RMT feels that we are now in a position in Scotland where we are not ready to carry on with fair culture as the principles are not being followed for the maintenance reports.
Your reps recommended to your National Executive Committee (NEC) that RMT withdraws from fair culture investigations within the Scottish route for maintenance until our concerns can be resolved.
At its meeting on 15th September your NEC noted and adopted the following report from its Health and Safety sub-committee:
We note the report from the Lead Rep and comments from other RMT H&S Reps.
In connection with the General Secretary is instructed to write to the company advising that RMT is withdrawing from participation in Fair Culture maintenance investigations within Scotland and that we request a meeting at the NSC to resolve our concerns.
The General Secretary is further instructed to convene an urgent meeting between our NSC in Scotland and Health & Safety subcommittee prior to any meeting with the company.
Relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be informed.
I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary