Our ref: HSR/2/29

Head Office Circular: NP/118/23

7th July 2023

To: The Secretary




Dear Colleague,




Further to Head Office Circular, NP/66/23, dated 31st March 2023, I write to explain that I have received an update report from the Lead Officer on the trial of alternative possession limits, particularly in relation to T3D (Possession with signalling disconnection) and also two studies – one from Sotera Risk Solutions Limited - and another from A D Little. 


When your NEC (National Executive Committee), met on 6th July 2023, they adopted the following report from its health and safety committee, who had met previously to discuss the above.


We instruct the General Secretary to thank Network Rail reps lead reps, Chris Knibb and Julian Thomas for their work on the T3D trial and to request that they continue their involvement with this trial and report back to this NEC upon conclusion of the trial.

The General Secretary to write to relevant members explaining that the Wales and Western route have undertaken a HAZID workshop for T3-A - totally bypassing RMT NR lead reps.


For the General Secretary to:

  • remind relevant members of the contents of Head Office Circular NP/50/23, 17th March 2023, in which members were instructed not to undertake or participate in further T3 trials until the T3D trial and its outcomes are complete
  • explain that RMT do not support the Wales and Western route trial and therefore instruct our members not to participate in this trial or indeed any other T3 trial - and to explain that this instruction will remain in place until we are satisfied with the outcome of T3D trials at which time our members will be notified by the General Secretary accordingly. 


Regional councils, branches and relevant members to be advised accordingly.  


Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members. 


Yours sincerely




Michael Lynch

General Secretary