Network Rail - Tebay 10th Anniversary

Head Office Circular: NP/217/13
15th August 2013

The Secretary

Dear Colleague


Our Carlisle City Branch submitted a resolution for consideration by the General Grades Committee:

Carlisle City Branch requests an update from the General Secretary and General Grades Committee in respect of retaining an acceptable system of     secondary protection for engineering worksites on Network Rail.

Next year will be the 10th anniversary of the terrible events at Tebay in     Cumbria where four RMT members lost their lives because dodgy contractors with dodgy equipment were allowed onto our Railway system – we note there has been numerous other “runaways” since the tragic event.

Carlisle City Branch wonders how much longer it is likely to take for Network Rail to introduce an acceptable system of engineering worksite secondary protection and how much longer the RMT are going to wait for such a development.

On giving consideration to the resolution the General Grades Committee carried the following resolution:

That we note the resolution and agree with the sentiments expressed within from our Carlisle City Branch.

Whilst noting and welcoming the fact that Network Rail have finally agreed that the need for a secondary protection warning device is warranted.

The lapse in timescale of over 9 years from the Tebay tragedy where four RMT members lost their lives is not acceptable.

Therefore we instruct the General Secretary to express in the strongest possible terms that we need the necessary modifications of the Vortok system to be done in a timely manner that will not delay the roll out of the system.

Further that the roll out and use of will be mandatory where the agreed need for use exists.

The General Secretary is instructed to merge this file with the Tebay and Network Rail – Tebay 10th Anniversary files.

The General Secretary is also instructed to place before the General Grades Committee any progress updates on this matter, and in any case to be placed before us no later than 2nd December 2013.

Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.

I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep you informed of developments with this case.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Bob Crow
General Secretary