Our Ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular: NP/461/21
20th December 2021
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
Further to Head Office Circular NP/445/21, dated 10th December 2021, you may be aware that Network Rail has uploaded its Covid-10 Work Activity Risk Assessment (WARA) and standard CP009 v10 to its hub page.
This followed two workshops with the Trade Unions to discuss the WARA, which took place on Monday 13th and Wednesday 15th December.
RMT asked the company to explain why version 8 of CP009 is suitable for those in Scotland but not for England and Wales. This has not been done.
Although most of the changes we wanted have been included, it is not where we wanted it to be; it does not go back to the highest, safest Assessment we had when the pandemic started, albeit it is better than what was in place as per version 9.
RMT hopes to revisit this in the coming weeks with a view to eventually get back to where we were before.
In the meantime, RMT is issuing the following guidance to our members by way of augmentation/amendment to the latest CP009 document:
Section 5 - Close Contact and Workplace Risk Assessments
RMT believes that “Where practicable maintain at least two metres distance from anyone”.
Section 6.2 Clinically Extremely Vulnerable
RMT believes that the following guidance should be followed (as was stated in version 8):
In accordance with government guidelines, there is no requirement to shield if an employee is a parent or household member of someone who is CEV. If concerned these individuals should raise the matter with their line manager who will then arrange for their work/shifts to be covered. Following the discussion with the manager and subject to the type of work the person undertakes the manager may be able to allocate tasks or training that can be done at home. If an employee does voluntarily shield, they are advised to speak to their GP or clinician for specific advice. Employees who remain at home for these reasons will effectively be considered as shielding.
Section 6.3 Clinically Vulnerable
RMT believes that the following guidance should be followed (as was stated in version 8):
In accordance with Government guidance, if an employee is clinically vulnerable (or moderate risk) they can continue to attend the workplace and follow workplace guidance such as utilising ventilation, opting to continue to use face coverings, covering your mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing, staying at home if you feel unwell. If employees are concerned or these steps cannot be followed then they shall discuss the matter with their manager who can utilise professional support services such as Optima at www.myohportal.co.uk.
NOTE 1: A clinician will undertake a risk and welfare assessed approach to determine if any adjustments are required and this might include consideration of any alternative work or remaining at home as special leave and paid in accordance with published base rosters
In accordance with Government guidance, if an employee is clinically vulnerable (or moderate risk) and cannot work from home, then they shall attend work and follow social distancing, hygiene and PPE guidance. If employees are concerned or these steps cannot be followed than they shall discuss the matter with their manager.
NOTE 1: Over the last year we have found that through discussions managers have been able to re-allocate duties to maintain social distancing so the work can be undertaken.
If this cannot be achieved the manager shall advise the employee to remain at home, providing them with work to be done at home where possible, and refer them for a COVID-19 consultation with Optima at www.myohportal.co.uk.
NOTE 2: A clinician will undertake a risk and welfare assessed approach to determine if any adjustments are required and this might include consideration of any alternative work or remaining at home as special leave and paid in accordance with published base rosters.
Section 8.1 All Staff
This states that staff have to wear masks in vehicles unless exempt. RMT believes that if staff do not feel comfortable sharing a vehicle with someone who is not wearing a mask, they should remove themselves from the vehicle and invoke the company’s Worksafe Procedure.
Section 9.1 Road Vehicles
This section states that extra vehicles will be hired where possible. RMT believes there should be full guidance provided as to precisely when extra vehicles should be hired. We will follow this up in future consultation.
Section 10 - When at a work location.
RMT believes that:
• staff should maintain distancing at sign in points, not just avoid close contact
• distancing must be adhered to in stores
• there should be social distancing when having conversations
• staff should wear gloves and safety glasses regardless of whether social distancing could be achieved.
We further believe that Section 11 - Welfare Facilities and Section 12 - Work Location Controls should both contain reference to distancing contained in earlier versions.
Finally, members are reminded of your rights under the company’s Worksafe Procedure and in legislation (Section 44 of the Employment Rights Act 1996, to remove yourself to a place of safety if you feel you are in serious and imminent danger) not to work if unsafe. RMT’s booklet on Serious and Imminent Danger can be viewed at https://www.rmt.org.uk/news/publications/serious-and-imminent-danger-booklet/
I will keep members advised of any developments.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary