Our Ref: HSR/4/2
Head Office Circular: NP/019/14
30th January 2014
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
I am very disappointed to learn of plans, as part of the current senior level re-organisation, to dispense with a number of Workforce Safety Advisors. While there is much work on-going between the company and RMT to develop the safety management system of the company, reduce risk and lessen harm to the workforce and passengers our ability to sustain this work is severely hampered and diluted by these current proposals.
I have written to Network Rail’s Chief Executive, Sir David Higgins on this matter and have raised the following points:
• Safety consultation of these proposals is taking place with our sister union TSSA which is entirely appropriate as they represent Role Clarity bands 1-4 however the potential impact of these changes on the safety on the members RMT represents is one in which the RMT must be consulted on. An examination of the Key Accountabilities of the post confirms this to be the case.
• The Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations, Reg 4(A) require consultation on the introduction of any measures at the workplace which may substantially affect the health and safety of the employees the health and safety representatives concerned represent
• Under the Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations, Schedule 1 2(d) the company are required, as part of their change management processes to make sure staff and their representatives have been properly involved, briefed and consulted on the changes.
I do not believe that either of these two provisions have been considered as part of this process by the company and I have asked that they take the necessary steps to resolve this situation and ensure that consultation takes place with RMT in this matter immediately.
Yours sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary