Our ref: HSR
Head Office Circular NP/231/24
2nd October 2024
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Your lead representative informed me that local industrial and health & safety representatives have finalised the driver conversion training package, developed in collaboration with the Futures Project. While they are satisfied with the course, they believed an external perspective from headquarters would be beneficial.
· The training is twelve days, over three weeks.
· Weeks one and two are classroom-based theoretical work, simulator based training, with practical sessions on static unit. This is based at Nexus Learning Centre in South Shields.
· Week three, the final four days, consist of practical handling (driving) on the system with a Traincrew Instructor.
· There is a timetable, along with overviews of the training, alongside a breakdown of the modules, what happens if drivers need more support, and timelines.
· There is information on dealing with skills fade and support, via training needs analysis for anyone that fails the course.
· From start to finish, the conversion training for all traincrew should take between 14-15 months.
At its meeting on 24th September 2024 your National Executive Committee noted and adopted the following report from its health and safety sub-committee:
We note RMT Nexus (Tyne and Wear Metro) reps request for NEC external perspective on their employer’s driver conversion training package - and the reps’ response to questions we posed for them on the training materials.
Having gathered this information and assessed the reps’ response to our questions we authorise that they proceed with the training materials.
We therefore instruct the General Secretary to write to the representatives accordingly – and to thank them for their work on this matter.
Relevant members to be informed accordingly.
I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary