Our ref: HSR
Head Office Circular: NP/251/24
14th October 2024
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Your 2024 Annual General Meeting adopted the following resolution:
This Branch requests that the NEC advise the General Secretary to produce a bespoke Health, Safety and Welfare notebook for reps, via the Health and Safety department.
This will ensure Health, Safety and Welfare Representatives fulfil their obligation to supply their Branches with reports for each Branch meeting.
This notebook should be set up in such a way that Representatives are given space to comment on the following three areas:
Health and Safety Tours/Inspections Report
Health, Safety and Welfare Committee Meeting Report
Health, Safety and Welfare Branch Report
This will make participation and response from Health, Safety and Welfare Representatives easier and more supportive for both Health, Safety and Welfare meetings and Branch meetings.
The Health and Safety department should then issue the notebook to all registered Health and Safety Representatives and thereafter supply further notebooks upon request.
At its meeting on 26th September 2024 your National Executive Committee noted and adopted the following report from its health and safety sub-committee relating to when it met to consider the above:
We note the spirit of the resolution – which is to encourage reps to provide report back to various parts of the union about the specific and key areas of work the reps are dealing with – and to achieve this through the provision of a notebook.
However, the RMT is currently moving away from hard copy documents.
Given this we instruct the General Secretary to create an online tool for people to use through the RMT digital transformation project. As part of this there should be a case management system available to our activists whether they are industrial activists, branch activists or safety activists, and this will include document sharing services and ways to move notes back and forward.
Branches and regional councils to be informed accordingly.
I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep you advised of any developments.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary