Port Skills and Safety

Our ref: HSR/4/2

Head Office Circular: NP/163/23

8th September 2023

To: The Secretary




Dear Colleague,




have received an invitation from Ports Skills and Safety, the professional safety and skills membership organisation for ports, to take up an offer of “collaborative partner” membership. This membership is free of charge.


The National Executive Committee (NEC)’s Health and Safety Sub-committee reported back to the NEC, noting that such membership is designed to give trade union members better access to PSS services. This membership will entitle us to nominate three individuals (officials or lay members) who receive PSS communications including safety bulletins and our monthly newsletter. They will also receive invites to participate in the Port Safety Group and Port Skills Group.


At its meeting on 6th September 2023, your NEC resolved as follows:


We note the health and safety subcommittee report and we note the correspondence of file from Port Skills and Safety (PSS).


Therefore, we instruct the General Secretary to carry out the instruction laid out in the report.


Relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be notified.


I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members. 


Yours sincerely



Michael Lynch

General Secretary