Our Ref: HSR/4/6
Head Office Circular: NP/163/18
28th August 2018
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
Promoting Maritime Health and Safety
Further to my previous circular NP/121/18, 4th July 2018 (see attached), your National Executive Committee have again considered the best options in promoting Maritime Health and safety and they have agreed the following decisions;
“That we note the responses on file from Dover, Oban and Eire shipping branches. We also note that there is a clear disconnect between the Health and Safety reps in the Maritime Sector and recognise that we need to look at ways of addressing tis issue.
We therefore instruct the General Secretary to;
1. Write to all Branches, Lead Officers and Regional Officers with responsibility for Shipping companys to request copies of all Health and Safety minutes from the companies where we have recognition.
2. These minutes to be forwarded to Unity House and reviewed to look at industry wide issues which effect our members and to establish best practice of how we address these industry wide issues going forward.
3. Additionally, to re-issue the previous circular dated NP/0121/18 of the 4th July 2018 to all Maritime Branches.”
I am in the process of carrying out those decisions.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary