Our ref: HSR
Head Office Circular: NP/234/24
2nd October 2024
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Your LU Engineering branch submitted the following resolution:
This Branch notes that our members in Rail for London have major concerns over their health and safety and associated processes. We call on the NEC to instruct the General Secretary to:
- Set up an anonymous survey amongst our members to identify all their concerns the health and safety at work
- This survey is also to include sections on whether they feel pressured into working unsafely and if they feel that they can refuse to work on the grounds of health and safety when appropriate
- The results to be collated and should it show significant concerns then a report is sent to the ORR and an urgent meeting convened with that organisation
- Produce a document to be sent to our members there advising them on the right to refuse to work on the grounds of health and safety
- Again call on the TUC and Prospect to honour any outcomes from the TUC Disputes Process (regarding TSSA and Prospect being given sole recognition despite the RMT pushing for recognition at that time and also being a Rail Union for people working in operational grades such as PWAY and S&T)”
At its meeting on 24th September 2024 your National Executive Committee noted and adopted the following report from its health and safety sub-committee:
The General Secretary is instructed to issue a survey in line with the resolution. Upon closure of the survey, the matter to be placed back before this Sub-committee.
The issue of sole recognition to be referred to the appropriate NEC Sub-committee.
Relevant members, branches and regional councils to be informed.
I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring this circular to the attention of all relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary