Our Ref: HSR/1/3
9th December 2020
Dear Brother/Sister
The Regional Organiser submitted a report into matters relating to the reintroduction of revenue collection at Abellio ScotRail which was considered by your National Executive Committee (NEC). The question of the suitability and sufficiency of the risk assessment was referred into the Health and Safety Sub Committee and the following report was noted and adopted:
The General Secretary is instructed to write to Abellio ScotRail suspending the RMT's support for the reintroduction of onboard revenue duties until the following has been implemented:
A comprehensive system of monitoring infection rates in areas that the company operates services is put in place.
An agreed threshold that identifies when case numbers become too high. Onboard revenue will cease until case numbers return to under that level.
Request Abellio ScotRail work with the authorities to increase the patrols of Travel Safe Officers and British Transport Police in and around major stations to monitor and enforce the wearing of face coverings in line with the law.
Abellio ScotRail to reintroduce their “essential travel only” message to passengers rather than the current “travel safe” message which is being ignored by the current travelling public.
Ensure Schools and Higher Education establishments over the Abellio ScotRail network are aware of what is expected of their students whilst using the rail system. Stronger messaging is needed on Social Distancing; wearing of face coverings; payments by contactless wherever possible; purchasing of tickets before boarding where facilities are provided and; to keep nonessential travel to a minimum.
Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.
Abellio ScotRail members to be advised via email and text.
Following further reports and discussion, a report was given to the NEC on 1st December, who agreed the following:
The carrying out of revenue will be at the discretion of the Conductor or ticket examiner as each situation is assessed before commencing revenue duties.
This point is to ensure staff are not forced to carry out these duties if they feel it is unsafe or they will not be disciplined for the same reason.
We therefore instruct the GS that once this addition is agreed that it be sent to the regional organiser to then arrange a meeting with the convenor and the staff side safety reps to go over the document before putting it to management.
I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep you advised of developments. I have written today to Abellio ScotRail.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary