Our Ref: HSR/2/6
Head Office Circular: NP/110/16
08th April 2016
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Remote Station Control
The 2015 Annual General Meeting adopted the following resolution:
“This conference notes the practice of controlling stations, tickets, customer queries and safety is becoming more and more remotely done via CCTV and other devices.
Recently London Underground have been given staff i-pads to do this, and on the National Rail the TVM system is being rolled out.
This conference urges the national union to up the campaign against the automation of station staff work and the de-creasing safety standards that associate them.”
The National Executive has taken the following decision:
“We note and support the sentiments of this resolution. These issues are best dealt with, within, Save Our Stations Campaign. We instruct the General Secretary to merge the two files. Branch’s and Regional Councils to be advised”
I am in the process of carrying out those instructions.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary