Resumption of Onboard Duties - Greater Anglia

Our ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular: NP/29/21
21st January 2021
To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague


Further to Head Office Circular NP/318/20, dated 23rd December 2020, a meeting took place on 11th January 2021 with the Senior Assistant General Secretary, the NEC and our Greater Anglia representatives. The meeting agreed that, noting the offer received from the GA HR Director to convene a further meeting to explore ways to address the current dispute situation between RMT and GA, the offer of a meeting with the company be accepted.

Following consideration of this report, your NEC adopted the following resolution at its meeting on 14th January:

That we note the correspondence from the Regional Organiser.

We instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting of the relevant representatives and Greater Anglia to discuss the issue further.

We instruct the General Secretary to place a report in front of the NEC after the meeting.

We note the concerns of the representatives in the resumption of revenue duties at this time, and fully support them in protecting our members’ health and safety.

All affected Regional Councils, Branches and members to be informed by email and text

I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep members informed of any updates.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary