Revenue Control Accommodation – LUL

Our Ref: HSR/3/1

Head Office Circular: NP/143/19

16th August 2019

To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague,


The London Transport Regional Council submitted the following resolution to the National Executive Committee (NEC):

This region notes that on the 23rd Of May 2019. LUL announced that they were to close all Revenue Control Line Accommodation. This includes all facility’s, welfare, mess rooms, showers etc. and base all RCIs at Baker Street. The faculty’s there are wholly inadequate.

This decision has serious HSW questions and also concerns over the revenue framework.

RCI, like all staff, deserve good quality facility’s in the area they work. They shouldn’t have to travel up to an hour to access their locker.

This region demands the national union uses all tools at its disposal to stop this farcical plan.

This resolution was considered by the NEC at their meeting on 30th July 2019 and the following resolution was carried:

That we note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council and the announcement from the company that they are to move all Revenue Control Inspectors into inadequate accommodation.

We instruct the General Secretary to arrange a meeting asap of our H&S and IR RCI representatives, Stations Safety Council, Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and NEC members in attendance.

Members to be advised by email & text.

Operational LUL Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

I am acting in accordance with these instructions. Please make the contents of this circular available to all appropriate members.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary