Our Ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular: NP/136/20
4th June 2020
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
The attached guidance was provided to the RMT by the Confederation of Public Transport (CPT).
I have written to the CPT as follows:
• Although it is government guidance for passengers, if they can, to wear a face covering if they need to use public transport, the RMT believes this is not strong enough, and that social distancing onboard buses of at least two metres is likely to be breached and I have urged the CPT to consider the mandatory use of masks by all passengers when onboard their buses.
• I am concerned about the efficacy of the clear film proposed to cover air and audio holes, although I welcomed the CPT’s proposals to ensure that all drivers are behind protective screens.
• I suggested that all CPT buses become cash free, with payment only by card, contactless if possible.
• Whereas I welcomed CPT’s suggesting that, wherever possible, one driver be allocated to a bus, the matrix refers to “cleans”; the CPT needs to be more specific in this respect and ensure that deep cleaning, with fit for purpose sanitsers, takes place whenever there is a changeover of drivers in a particular cab.
• The matrix refers to “efforts to ensure continued access to wash facilities during a shift”; I remain concerned that, with the closure of many public facilities, CPT drivers do not have adequate access and I have requested more specific guidance from the CPT in this matter.
I have also told the CPT to ensure that the RMT are involved in any further discussions in these matters.
Please make the contents of this Circular available to all appropriate members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary