Our Ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular NP/191/20
3rd August 2020
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
It has been clear that as the COVID-19 Pandemic progresses and develops it would be necessary to issue revised and new guidance on COVID-19 related matters. Although relaxation of lockdown has been allowed by the various national governments we have seen spikes in infection rates, in particular in Leicester and now Greater Manchester, Lancashire and parts of West Yorkshire. We also have changes in the strategy where a return to working in workplaces rather than from home is being encouraged alongside a return to use of public transport. RMT continue to believe that the Government’s relaxation strategy is far too haphazard.
Public health advice has also changed and, as RMT have argued from the very beginning, face coverings will now play an increasing role in helping contain the spread of COVID-19. In order to keep RMT members and representatives up to date with all of these developments we have produced a briefing paper on the various types of face coverings, face masks and face visors (face shields), their purpose and use.
The briefing was considered by the National Executive Committee who, at their meeting on 31st July 2020, noted and adopted the following report of their Health and Safety Sub-committee:
We note the draft briefing on file and agree its wording. The General Secretary is instructed to write to all members to advise them of the RMT’s position. If there is any doubt, the RMT’s advice shall take precedence over any other advice given by the RICF, ORR, etc.
Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.
Members to be advised via email.
The briefing, as well as being attached to this Circular will be e-mailed direct to RMT members and is also available on the RMT’s COVID-19 one-stop page at the following link:
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary