Closing date: 31st December 2022
2023 RMT Award for Health and Safety Rep
This award acknowledges the tremendous work undertaken by RMT safety representatives in keeping RMT members safe.
We will be making an award to the RMT safety representative who represents the best aspects of being a health and safety representative.
The criteria for the award are that safety reps must:
• have been outstandingly effective in their role as a health and safety rep in making things better for RMT members
• have been an effective campaigner, more than basic safety rep work
• have made a difference by their campaigning
Please note the deadline for award nominations is 31st December 2022.
Branches may make more than one nomination, but there will be only one overall winner of the award. Nominations will be made by branches and nomination forms must be signed by the branch secretary.
Please complete this form and submit it to RMT’s Health and Safety section by the deadline of 31st December 2022 (please email your completed forms as indicated at the back of this form).
Please complete the form in typescript or black ink so that it can be photocopied.
The judging panel (two safety reps from RMT’s Health and Safety Advisory Committee, two members of NEC’s Health and Safety Sub-committee and Eddie Dempsey, Senior Assistant General Secretary and RMT Lead Officer for H&S) will rely on the information given on the form, so please make sure that enough detail is given for the judges to assess the entry. Supporting materials can also be attached. The decision of the judging panel will be final.
The award will be made at the RMT Health and Safety Advisory Conference.
Please obtain the consent of the person being nominated before submitting this form.