Serco Caledonian Sleeper – Revenue Protection

Our Ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular: NP/150/21
10th May 2021
To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague,


I write further to Head Office Circular Number NP/111/21 of 10 May 2021 to explain that the RMT has now received correspondence from Serco Caledonian Sleeper giving satisfactory assurances that no cash transactions will take place – an arrangement that the company will keep under review.

The Health and Safety Sub-committee of your National Executive Committee (NEC) met recently to consider this issue and at its meeting on 6th May, the NEC noted and adopted the report from its Sub-committee:

We note the report from our Lead Officer and correspondence from the company. Both can be found on file. This NEC notes the position from the company regarding cashless payments. Any further updates to be placed in front of this NEC.

Relevant members, branches, and regional councils to be advised.

I am acting in accordance with this instruction.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Michael Lynch
General Secretary