Service – V – Safety – PSV Whole Vehicle Approval

Our Ref: HSR/2/18
Head Office Circular: NP/093/17
23rd June 2017
The Secretary

Dear Colleague

Service – V – Safety – PSV Whole Vehicle Approval

There is a driver’s examination before use of a PSV vehicle, in this instance a bus. Members are concerned that some safety related items are not included on the list, such as the visionary aid for observing the higher deck (periscope), but find themselves under investigation should an incident occur on the higher deck when they have been unable to see or act upon it. On considering the detail raised by the resolution the National Executive Committee have noted and adopted the following report of their Health and Safety Sub-committee:

We note the resolution from our Liverpool No5 Branch and the disadvantages that this faces for our bus driver grades members and their concerns for passenger safety. The General Secretary is instructed to ensure the matter is raised with all bus employers by our Lead Officers for resolution at local level.

All relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.

I am in the process of carrying out that those instructions

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all relevant members.

Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary