South Western Railway - Messroom facilities at Southampton Central Station

Our ref: HSR

Head Office Circular NP/230/24

25th September 2024




Dear Colleague




I I am writing to you because worrying concerns have been raised by the lead officer on South Western Railway about the messroom facilities at Southampton Central Station. Issues have been ongoing for some time and today the lead officer advised that following reports from Health and Safety Representatives the company that it was in no fit state to be a personal needs break (PNB) point due to blocked urinals, state of floor and the horrendous smell of sewage. The company was advised it should be close until improvement works had been carried out on the drainage, flooring relayed and a deep clean had taken place. However, the company has given it a quick clean and sprayed a bit of air freshener and believes it is now usable. Another Health and Safety Representative visited the messroom after this notice had come out and reported that there was still a smell albeit not as bad and the liquid on the floor was still draining under the vinyl flooring outside the toilets, further they noticed that there was a big leak in the celling that was dripping over the PNB point next to electrical items. The lead officer has informed the company that it should still be closed and that we are disappointed in the actions or lack of by South Western Railway. 


The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Regulation 20, Sanitary conveniences, states that suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences shall be provided at readily accessible places. and shall not be suitable unless they and the rooms containing them are kept in a clean and orderly condition.

RMT therefore advises all members who are due to use Southampton Central Messroom for a PNB to use either the Revenue Protection messroom, however if there is no room to have your PNB to advise the DRM or local manager that you will have to take your PNB at another recognised PNB point. 


The lead office will keep working with the local representatives so you can take your PNB in a dignified way, and I will advise you once a suitable solution has been sorted at Southampton Central and when we believe that it meets H&S standards. 




Yours sincerely




Michael Lynch

General Secretary