Our ref: HSR/2/29

Head Office Circular: NP/50/23

17th March 2023

To: The Secretary




Dear Colleague,


T3 Trials


received a report from the Lead Officer respectfully requesting that your national Executive Committee (NEC) notes the ongoing T3D trial and resolves not to undertake nor participate in any further T3 trials until the outcome of this trial is considered.



At its meeting on 9th February 2023, your National Executive Committee (NEC) resolved as follows:


That we note and adopt the report from the Lead officer.


We instruct the General Secretary to instruct members not to undertake or participate in further T3 trial until the T3D trial and its outcomes are considered.


I am acting in line with these instructions, and therefore instruct members not to undertake or participate in further T3 trial until the T3D trial and its outcomes are considered.


Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members. 


Yours sincerely




Michael Lynch

General Secretary