Dear Colleague


At their meeting of 3rd July 2013 the General Grades Committee carried the following resolution:

“Further to our previous Decision GWW, 28th February 2013 we note that the trials have concluded and that we have a draft report on file from Network Rail regarding the trial of the Vortok Rearguard device.

We welcome the fact that the report recognises that overall the Vortok Rearguard is considered a good and necessary device with perceived safety benefits. Further that the trial indicates there is a need for a secondary warning system for track workers in certain circumstances.

There are issues with the robustness of the Vortok system which would need alteration to make it fit for purpose.

Therefore the General Secretary is instructed to inform Network Rail that we accept in principle the draft report and further that we continue to engage our relevant representatives at Carlisle and Carnforth Deliver Unit level as part of the rollout strategy.

Further that any updates on the progress of this are to be placed before the GGC.

Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.”

I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep you informed of developments with this case.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Bob Crow

General Secretary