Our Ref: HSR/2/1
Head Office Circular: NP/060/15
9th April 2015
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Further to Head Office Circular NP/024/15 the General Grades Committee have considered further reports in this matter and have noted and adopted the following report of their Health and Safety Sub-committee:
We note the reports on file from the Network Rail Joint Safety Committee, 13th November 2014 and the further report from the Health and Safety Officer, 12th February 2015. We further note Network Rail have committed to the following points to be completed by 29th May 2015:
• Network Rail shall have a policy in place, jointly agreed with the RMT, whereby use of the Rearguard equipment is mandated in all circumstances unless it can be demonstrated that other mitigations are in place that makes the equipment unnecessary when controlling the risk from runaways.
• Network Rail shall have a flow chart in place, developed in conjunction with RMT, that supports the risk assessment process above.
• Network Rail shall have developed a communications plan to highlight and support the national roll-out of the equipment. RMT will support this communication plan through use of its own media.
• Network Rail shall have a full training programme in place that will ensure that all staff who need to use the equipment are fully conversant with its method of use. RMT have proposed that to assist the company we will seek volunteers from amongst our Area and Local Health and Safety Reps to deliver the training.
• Network Rail have also agreed to offer a demonstration of the Rearguard system to relatives and survivors of the Tebay tragedy.
We instruct the General Secretary to provide this General Grades Committee with a further report no later than the 15th May 2015. Yet again RMT are dismayed and disgusted at the intolerable delays with this matter. If no conclusion is reached by Network Rail’s own deadline we instruct the General Secretary to arrange an urgent meeting with the Chief Executive of Network Rail. If this matter is not resolved to our satisfaction we may pursue a ballot for industrial action.
Branches and Regional Councils be advised.
I am acting in accordance with these instructions and will keep you informed of developments with this case.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary