Our Ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular: NP/64/21
22nd February 2021
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
The RMT National Executive Committee met on 18th February 202 to discuss the following resolution from RMT Central Line East branch:
In response to a motion submitted by the Piccadilly & District Line West Branch in August and the creation of The Rail Industry Coronavirus Joint Forum in September, to which the our Union is a member.
This Branch notes the lack of visible on the ground support our BAME members have received from the Union, in particular all those in operational frontline and customer facing roles within London Underground. Because, it has also been highlighted by the government that those workers who are over 50 are at the greatest risk.
So as well has individual risk assessments being carried out. What appropriate information has or is being produced to raise awareness in the workplace of the increased risk of dying from COVID 19 is there for our BAME members?
Are Managers sharing all impact data with our Safety Representatives as per prescribed guidelines? And how is this being communicated to those vulnerable members, notices, bulletins etc.
Therefore, we call upon the Regional Council and Union to share it's findings from the Good Practice Guidance: Assessing employee vulnerability to COVID 19 document, with all Branches and Branch Secretaries.
On giving consideration to the RMT Central Line East branch resolution the NEC noted and adopted the following report:
The NEC agrees with our Central Line West branch that TfL/London Underground has not taken the issue of protecting our BAME members during the Covid pandemic seriously enough. RMT included, in our charter for Covid working in TfL/LUL, the demand that:
· Risks to BAME members must be assessed for their specific role and location and acted on.
The NEC is concerned that instead of this TfL/LUL is relying on generic risk assessments that do not properly account for the additional risk facing our BAME members.
We note that the charter and subsequent advice based on London Undergrounds evolving advice for managers documents has also been circulated by our safety reps.
The NEC now instructs the General secretary to seek a meeting with TfL to include our lead officer, Tier 2 reps and representatives from the LTRC Black Solidarity Committee where we can raise our ongoing concerns.
LTRC and branches to be informed.
I am acting in accordance with this instruction and will keep you advised of developments.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary