Our ref: HSR
Head Office Circular: NP/233/24
2nd October 2024
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Further to Head Office Circular NP/99/23, dated 2nd June 2023, with the impending opening of the new Taff’s Well depot that the company proposes to introduce the role of technician driver. Selection for depot drivers (shunters drivers) has traditionally been in line with RIS03751-TOM which is which is the rail industry standard for train driver selection.
For the role of technician driver, however, the proposal of the company whilst continuing to use psychometrics as part of the selection process this will apply to the non-technical skills identified. The rationale being that depot driving roles only operate within a depot environment with no responsibility for movements of any units on to the mainline.
Given the safety critical nature of the role assessment tools will include safety orientated tests to help assess the specific aptitude to perform the driving role. Understandably this is a concern for our shunter grade members employed within Transport for Wales and the future implications in this regard.
Whilst the concerns remain over this issue a complicating factor is that this appears to be restricted to Taffs Well depot only, so it is difficult to consider an industrial response. Furthermore, at this stage no staff are employed at the facility as it is still under construction.
Having consulted local fleet representatives, your lead officer has recommended as follows:
- To write to Transport for Wales seeking an assurance that the testing provision pertains to Taffs Well depot only.
- The correspondence to state that whilst noting their revised testing methods that no formal agreement exists with RMT on this matter.
- Seek agreement for an appropriate review date for the selection process
- To seek further information as to the testing approach taken within other rail operators
- To convene a meeting of our lead officer, relevant NEC members and shunter representatives to formulate a strategy on this issue.
- To send an update to our Transport for Wales members to inform them of this decision.
At its meeting on 24th September 2024 your National Executive Committee noted and adopted the following report from its health and safety sub-committee:
We note the Lead Officer’s report and instruct the General Secretary to take up in line with the actions contained in the report.
I am acting in line with these instructions. Please bring this circular to the attention of all relevant members.
Yours sincerely
Michael Lynch
General Secretary