Dear Colleague,
Network Rail is about three years into its five year partnership with the Samaritans and British Transport Police for a suicide prevention programme. RMT sits on the National Suicide Prevention Steering Group and has been making contributions on behalf of the membership at regular meetings.
A National Conference for Suicide Prevention will take place at Network Rail’s Westwood Centre on June 5th 2013 and RMT will be in attendance. A report of the Conference will be circulated shortly afterwards.
A meeting of the Steering Group recently took place and the main points are outlined below:
Samaritans Update
· 237 suicides to period end which is one less than last year.
· Of 14 incidents in the period, 2 were at priority stations. 26% were at stations and 76% on running lines
· Delay minutes down 96,000 on last year
· 2 incidents exceeded 2,000 minutes delay each
· There were 2 reported interventions by Samaritans
Period 1 figures Network Rail
· 21 suicides were recorded, 24 for same period last year
· 18,000 minutes delay
· Is there a shift from stations to open line or is this just in particular locations?
· RSSB to do analysis of last year’s percentages
· Rise in the Anglia region as there are many crossings in the area
· It was asked if some communications work could be done in priority locations, shopping centres & local newspapers etc.
· BTP go into the wider community with local authorities, local police etc
Suicide Prevention Conference:
· Norman Baker, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, will speak and just needs to confirm time
· Robin Gisby Of Network Rail is to open conference
· Helen Waters of Cross Country will be the first keynote speaker
· The BTP, Samaritans and Network Rail will do a joint presentation
· There will be an intervention story from a member of staff
T845 – Improving Suicide Prevention Measures on the Rail Network in Great Britain. RSSB Research project:
· The survey from this project has not generated much response.
There will be a working group set up to design a booklet aimed at transport staff who have been involved with a suicide on the railway. RMT will be part of the group and the booklet will offer advice on how to deal with the aftermath of an incident.
Initiatives Round-up:
· There needs to be a joint agency approach for certain locations to see what can be done. Look at recommendations from incident reports
· 2 Track & Train graduates have been involved with the suicide prevention programme. From October, T&T graduates will be allocated to different routes across the network for suicide prevention
- NR has been approached by the DfT to put some clauses into franchise agreements with regards to suicide prevention activities/mitigations so that TOCs understand that they have an obligation towards the programme
The next meeting will be held on 29th May and a report will be circulated shortly afterwards.
Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of all concerned members and I would be grateful to receive input from Branches on this issue.
Yours sincerely,
Bob Crow
General Secretary