Our Ref: HSR/2/2
Head Office Circular: NP/099/18
1st June 2018
To: The Secretary
Dear Colleague,
Timetable Change – Staff Assaults
Members, Branches and Regional Councils will be aware of the rail industry’s disastrous timetable meltdown with wholesale service cancellation and disruption. Unfortunately, while the fat cat bosses cower in their offices it is our members who have to suffer the wrath of the commuter.
RMT have called on the Office of Road and Rail to instigate an investigation into this monumental mess and we have provided them with details of our allegations.
I have already received reports of staff being abused, threatened and reduced to tears by the public’s backlash over the timetable change but the more information we can provide to the ORR the stronger our case will be for action. RMT are now seeking further reports into this situation.
Assault and abuse is too often seen as ‘part of the job’ on the railways but RMT do not go along with this mantra. If employers are to be compelled to act to protect their staff then they cannot do so unless they have the full picture of the harm that railway assaults have on individual members of their staff. To that end it is essential that all instances of assault whether they are verbal, physical or sexual assault must be reported using your company reporting procedures.
Please advise that individual reports from industrial and health and safety representatives and from individual members can be sent to Head Office Health and Safety Section by e-mail to p.clyndes@rmt.org.uk
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary