Our Ref: HSR/1/3
Head Office Circular NP/215/20
4th September 2020
The Secretary
Dear Colleague
Further to Head Office Circular NP/191/20, dated 3rd August 2020, discussions have taken place between RMT and the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) on RMT’s previously issued guidance.
Agreed amendments are as follows:
- emphasis is placed on the fact that face coverings are used primarily as collective protection for others against the wearer potentially having COVID-19
- there is a reminder that workers should carry on wearing PPE issue face masks when the task requires it and that masks are only for use where the company cannot maintain social distancing for operational reasons and for tasks that require workers to work closer than 2 metres
- we stress the importance of wearing face coverings by all and, when dealing with people exempt from this requirement, members will be supported if they refuse to go within two metres of such individuals; any form of PPE must be discussed between the company and RMT safety reps
- when face covering such as FFP2/N95 are made available they should not have exhale valves
The briefing was considered by your National Executive Committee who, at its meeting on 2nd September 2020, noted and adopted the following report of its Health and Safety Sub-committee:
We note that the changes proposed by ORR in discussion with our representatives have been made to an amended version of the RMT briefing document. We further note that the changes do not dilute the contents of the advice provided to our members but do make the document clearer.
General Secretary is instructed to re-publish the guidance along with an explanation of the changes and ensure that the updated guidance is distributed to the membership.
Branches, Regional Councils to be advised.
The briefing, as well as being attached to this Circular will be e-mailed direct to RMT members and is also available on the RMT’s COVID-19 one-stop page at the following link:
Yours sincerely
Mick Cash
General Secretary