Vibration on Ships

Our Ref: HSR/1/8
Head Office Circular: NP/0122/18
24th August 2018
To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague,

Vibration on Ships

The matter has been placed infront of your National Executive committee and they have agreed the following decisions;

“That we note the report on file. We believe that this is a matter that may be affecting our members and instruct the General Secretary to carry out the following;

• Write to the Caledonian MacBrayne asking for plain speaking breakdown of the report on file and what affects it has for our members.
• Circulate to Branches, Regional Organisers, Maritime Health and Safety Reps and request if there are known instances, complaints, unexplained sicknesses or injuries on vessels that may be due to this.
• Raise the matter of whole body vibration with the TUC
• Look to place this item on the agenda for the Bob Crow International Health and Safety Conference in early 2019”.

I am in the process of carrying out those decisions.

Yours sincerely

Mick Cash
General Secretary