WellNet CIC Community Interest Company

Our ref: HSR/3/2
Head Office Circular: NP/10/22
13th January 2022
To: The Secretary

Dear Colleague,


I write to inform you that a Special meeting of your National Executive Committee (NEC) was convened on 6th January 2022, to consider a report from its Health and Safety sub-committee, from when it met to discuss the following resolution from RMT Wessex Regional Council:

This Regional Council notes that many employers fail to provide adequate provisions for the well-being, welfare, health and/or safety of their workers. In addition, many employers fail to pass on to their workers sufficient detail about third party providers who can help them. This can have a negative impact on workers when they find it hard to find support when they are in need.
Whilst this Regional Council continues to fight for mentally healthier and safer workplaces (for example with shorter working hours, adequate numbers of staff and more control by workers) we recognise that many workers need support with these issues and with issues outside of the workplace.
This Regional Council notes the work being done to set up WellNet CIC (https://wellnet.uk), a social enterprise which is asset locked such that all funds are for its own development. This will give all members of the maritime and transport families (regardless of grade, location and employer) easy to use signposting towards the help that is available. It will also highlight the gaps where employers fall short and give us a tool to campaign on this.
This Regional Council regards this as a ground-breaking and powerful project which will help our members and enable us to campaign against poor employers, and possibly save lives.
This Regional Council accordingly calls upon the NEC to meet with representatives from WellNet to discuss how to work with this valuable project.

The report adopted by the NEC is as follows:

The General Secretary is instructed to thank the Wessex Regional Council for their resolution and raising the important issues of wellbeing and welfare of RMT members.

However, under Section 2 of the Health, Safety and Work Act the duty is on employers to ensure the health, safety and welfare of their employees. Given this it is not necessary for RMT NEC to meet with WellNet CIC or to promote the work of this organisation.

Branches and Regional Councils to be advised accordingly. Additionally, in this correspondence the GS to explain that if it is believed that any employers are not meeting the standard as set out in the Health and Safety at Work Act, then RMT representatives should raise this with employers – for the employers to source providers as required and to consult with RMT safety reps on this issue as per the Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations 1977.

I am acting in accordance with this instruction and will keep you advised of developments.

Please bring the contents of this circular to the attention of relevant members.

Yours sincerely

Michael Lynch
General Secretary