Our Ref: HSR/1/14
Head Office Circular: NP/105/23
16th June 2023
To: The Secretary
All branches
Regional Councils
Dear Colleague,
I write in relation to the high temperatures currently being experienced in many parts of the country.
It is early in the summer yet and we may see more such weather as the summer progresses. Therefore, it is important that appropriate policies are in place with employers so that our members can work safely in such conditions. Employers should have a policy to deal with hot weather and have carried out a risk assessment of the risks of hot weather in consultation with RMT Safety Reps.
In relation to working in hot weather please see the following:
The TUC have called on all employers to make sure that their employees are protected from the sun and heat throughout the heat wave – and for government to improve protections for workers by bringing in rules on maximum working temperatures.
The TUC have issued the following useful tools: TUC’s Eight steps to keep cool and interactive guide, Too hot, too cold.
HSE advice is that although there is no law for maximum working temperature, or when it is too hot to work, employers must keep workplaces at a comfortable temperature.
HSE has practical guidance: http://www.hse.gov.uk/temperature/index.htm on what you can do to manage the risks so people can work safety in hot conditions.
RMT advice on working in extreme weather is here:
Yours sincerely
Sarah Friday
RMT Health & Safety Officer