Legal services


RMT provides a wide range of free legal services and support for its members and their families (subject to Rule for eligibility and legal assistance).

From protecting workers’ rights, improving safety standards and securing millions of pounds in compensation for injured or mistreated members every year – the RMT legal service is there when members need it most.

For more information and expert and support, contact one of our freephone helplines below.

For advice on all legal enquiries affecting members inside and outside of work contact:

RMT Freephone Helpline (England and Wales) - 0800 376 3706

For members who have non-work related legal queries.
The lines are open 8am-6pm Monday-Friday, 9.30 am-4pm Saturday.

Or email

RMT Legal Helpline (Scotland) - 0808 068 5529

Lines are open 8am-8pm Monday-Friday, 9am-8pm Saturday.


Members and their families, if arrested by the police or questioned under caution can call the criminal helpline number. Lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

General criminal queries can also be dealt with on this number.

Criminal Helpline - 020 7604 5600 (office hours), 020 7624 8888 (out of office hours).

Criminal Helpline (Scotland) - 0800 089 1300

Members who have been injured at home, at work, on holiday* or on the road should contact RMT Freephone Helpline - 0800 376 3706 (in England & Wales) or RMT Legal Helpline - 0800 089 1300 (in Scotland). Members’ families can also access legal support on non work-related or road traffic accidents or injury on the same numbers.

*where claims can be pursued in the UK courts

For all personal injury, disease cases or conditions arising at and outside of work. Details will be taken over the phone and are sent direct to the nearest office of Thompsons or Drummond Miller in Scotland. Also covers members families for non work and road traffic accidents.

TUCH (Trade Union Call Handling Service) - 0800 587 7516

Thompsons Solicitors also has a full range of booklets available providing useful summaries of the law on a variety of subjects. Click the individual links below for more information or, to order hard copies, email

A guide to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme (weblink) - PDF Copy        

Uniform: Tax Rebate Claim Form