Circular No: NP 180/16
8th July 2016
Our Ref: LC/01/16
Dear Colleagues,
In order to assist Branch Secretaries and to streamline the process for applications for licensing and criminal assistance in work related matters we have now produced an L3 form. This will replace the existing system for criminal/licensing requests.
The form will be available on the website at I also attach a form for your convenience. Please advise members to complete and sign the form, and then provide it along with all documents to their Branch Secretary for approval and signing as soon as possible. Should the Branch wish to support the application, copies of the form and documents should then be sent/emailed by the Branch Secretary to the Legal Department for processing and assessment, who will then advise and consult the General Secretary for a decision on funding. Legal assistance remains discretionary and according to Rule.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary