LGBT+ Members

Stand up and be counted!

RMT demands equal rights for members regardless of their sexuality or gender identity. The union has a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender + Members’ Advisory Committee which meets three times a year and organises its own conference to help inform RMT policy on LGBT+ issues.

RMT LGBT Members


Transgender Awareness Poster

fighting transphobia

Fighting Transphobia poster




RMT National LGBT+ Members' Conference


National LGBT+ Members’ Advisory Committees: Meets three times a year 

Supporting Non Binary Workers 

Fighting homophobia

Reps Resources

'Gays off the railway' - An RMT member writes of his experiences of homophobia in the workplace, as well as solidarity from colleagues

Historic documents

National LGBT+ Conference 2017 Resolutions

National LGBT+ Conference 2018 Resolutions

National LGBT+ Conference 2019 Resolutions


