East Midlands Trains Section of the Railways Pension Scheme - Pensions Committee / RMT Appointee

My Ref: MRP 1/8/21                                                 26th June 2017

                                              Circular Num: NP/101/17
To: The Secretary All Branches & Regional Councils

Dear colleague,

East Midlands Trains Section of the Railways Pension Scheme - Pensions Committee / RMT Appointee

As you may be aware there are over one hundred sections of the Railways Pension Scheme (RPS) and many of these sections have what are known as Pension Committees.  These committees act in a similar way as the main RPS Trustee Board who have delegated certain responsibilities to the relevant Pensions Committee in accordance of with the main Trust Deed and Rules.

The RMT and our sister unions have for sometime been pressing East Midlands Trains management to set up a Pensions Committee so that members of the scheme can have a more direct say in how their pension is managed. I am pleased to advice you that following negotiations the employer has agreed to support the setting up of an East Midlands Trains Pensions Committee.

The East Midlands Trains Pension Committee will be made up of trade union appointed members, the RMT will have one seat, and an equal amount of employer appointees.

It has been agreed by our representatives at East Midlands Trains that the RMT nominee will be appointed amongst our members who presently contribute to the RPS. I have therefore written to our members advising them of this position.  

To ensure that we find a suitable candidate for this important position I would be grateful if you would bring this circular to the attention of your branch were you have members of the East Midlands Trains section of the RPS.

I would make you aware that this position comes with a great deal of responsibility and dedication. Whilst the finer details of the Pension Committee are yet to be agreed, I can advice you that the roles and responsibilities are likely to mirror those used by other RPS Pensions Committee. These include:

•    Acting in accordance with the provisions of The Trust Deed and Rules of the RPS
•    Ensuring that assets of the section are properly and prudently invested
•    That Pension Committee members act in the best interest of all members whether active, deferred or pensioners
•    Pension Committee members will be expected to carry out relevant training
•    The Pensions Committee will meet three times a year (to be confirmed)

In respect of training, the employer has indicated that committee members once nominated will be required to complete and pass the Pension Management Institute Level 3 award in Pension Trusteeship. Please find below a link for further information.


I would add that the successfully appointee will also be given the full support of the RMT. The RMT can also offer a pensions course held at the Bob Crow National Education Centre, Doncaster.

To ensure that the RMT have a voice on this new committee I would invite interested members to complete and return the enclosed nomination form no later than Friday 21st July 2017.

In the event of more than one member standing a ballot amongst RMT members employed by East Midland Trains will be held.

I would ask interested members to complete an election address as this will be needed in the event of an election taking place.

Nominations should be sent to Paul Norris, RMT Pensions Officer, Unity House, 39 Chalton Street, London NW1 1JD or at p.norris@rmt.org.uk.

If you require any clarification or have questions please do not hesitate to contact Paul Norris on the details above or on 020 7529 8806.

Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash
General Secretary