Introduction of Salary Sacrifice Schemes

Dear Colleague,

Introduction of Salary Sacrifice Schemes

A number of employers have either introduced or are seeking to introduce salary sacrifice arrangements. The General Grades Committee recently gave consideration to one such proposal in respect of Arriva Cross Country Railways and carried the following decision:

“That having viewed the correspondence on file we note that this scheme is in operation in the companies listed. However, we are concerned that any proposed saving should be ploughed back into the fund to reduce any deficit and that the proposals do not allow for this to take place. We find this situation unacceptable. We further note that individuals have the right to ‘opt out’ of any salary sacrifice scheme. Therefore we instruct the GS to take the following actions:

1. To instruct all Regional Organisers not to enter into any agreements on salary sacrifice schemes when the review period is due.

2. The GS to write a personal letter to all our members in the listed companies outlining the unions objections to such schemes and encouraging them to ‘opt out’ of any salary sacrifice scheme, without giving any personal financial advice and a full page article to also be placed in RMT News warning our members of participation in such schemes.”

Whilst drawing your attention to the above decision, I am anxious to ensure that I have a full current list of the companies operating salary sacrifice arrangements. I would therefore take this opportunity to request that you forward details of all such agreements with Companies with whom you negotiate so that we may bring our database up to date.

Yours sincerely,

R. Crow,
General Secretary