25th July 2017 My Ref: MRP 23/1
Circular No.NP/119/17
To: The Secretary Regional Councils, All Shipping Branches
Dear Colleagues,
Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund (MNRPF) – Pensioner Member
Please be advised that the term of office for the MNRPF’s Beneficiary Pensioner Member will end in September 2017. Therefore in accordance with the Articles of Associations nominations are presently being sought from pensioners of the fund who are members of the RMT.
While the present Beneficiary Pensioner Member, Bro. Derek Creed, has indicated that he is intending to stand for a further four years nomination papers were sent out on 10th July 2017.
This item was placed in front of the National Executive Committee on 20th July 2017 where the following report was adopted:
“We note that the nomination process for this position has commenced and that this process is run by the Lane Clark & peacock (LCP) the company who manage the fund in line with the Electoral Reform Service.
We note that should there be more than one nomination received for this position that an election ballot of the funds pensioner members will take place.
Further developments to be placed back before this NEC
Shipping Branches &Regional Councils to be advised.”
I would advise you that the RMT have the right to determine how the ballot, if required, is conducted and also have the right to veto any nomination if this union feels the person is unsuitable.
I will keep you informed of developments.
Yours sincerely,
Mick Cash
General Secretary