Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund (MNRPF) – RMT Trustee Appointees

13th July 2016                                My Ref: MRP 23/1

         Circular No.NP/186/16
To: The Secretary Regional Councils, All Shipping Branches

Dear Colleagues,

Merchant Navy Ratings Pension Fund (MNRPF) –
RMT Trustee Appointees

As you will be aware following an RMT internal structure review in 2015 Shipping Regions were reduced from four to three which now consist of Maritime Regions, Northern, Central and Southern.

I would also advice you that the terms of office for the two RMT MNRPF Trustees who were formally elected from Shipping Region One are or were due to end shortly. Therefore arrangements are needed to ensure that these positions are filled.

This item was placed before the National Executive Committee on 12th July 2016 who adopted the following report:

“That we note the term of office for our two RMT MNRPF trustees from Shipping Region One (now Maritime Region One) will conclude on 3rd August 2016.

The reason that both trustees from Maritime Region One are representing the RMT on the board of trustees is that Shipping Region Three , which has now merged with shipping Region One to create Maritime Region One, failed to put forward a nomination. It was therefore agreed that one of the two trustees from Shipping Region One would cover that position until a nomination was received.

We propose to realign the trustees to correspond with the three Maritime Regions as agreed during the RMT Internal structure review along with the elected pensioner trustee and the RMT Appointed trustee.
These positions would be;

•    Maritime Region 1 (South)          Vacant as of the 3rd August 2016
•    Maritime Region 2 (Central)          Term of office concludes April 2019
•    Maritime Region 3 (North)          Term of office concludes June 2017
•    Pensioner trustee
•    RMT Appointed Trustee          (RMT National Secretary)

It should be noted that trustees elected to the first four positions, stated above, will be members of the MNRPF scheme.

Therefore, we instruct the General Secretary to put out this proposal to all Shipping Branches for consultation and the responses are to be placed in front of this NEC back no later than the 5th September 2016 for further consideration.

Due to this consultation period, this NEC will place on hold the election of the RMT trustee for Maritime region 1 until the consultation with Shipping Branches is completed.

All Shipping Branches to be informed.”

To confirm the above proposals are to:

1.    Reduce the number of RMT appointed MNRPF Trustees from six to five
2.    Each RMT Maritime Region will have the opportunity to elect one MNRPF Trustee
3.    There will be no change to the process of electing the Pensioner Trustee
4.    There will be no change to the position of RMT Appointed Trustee position, which is currently occupied by the National Secretary until March 2019. This position is nominated by the General Secretary and National Executive Committee
5.    The present RMT Trustees will continue on the Trustee Board until their term of office comes to end
6.    The Chamber of Shipping (Employer) trustees to reduce their number on the MNRPF Trustee Board from six to five
7.    In the event the Chamber of Shipping refuse to reduce their numbers on the MNRPF Trustee Board then the status quo will continue.

So that the above can be considered at the Statutory National Executive Committee to be held the week beginning 5th September 2016 I would ask that Shipping Branches indicate whether they are in support of these proposals.

I would ask that Shipping Branches respond no later than Friday 2nd September 2016. All responses should be sent to Head Office or to the RMT Pensions Officer at

I will keep you informed of developments.

Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash
General Secretary