National Retired Members' Conference 2014

My Ref:  MRP32/1

1st November 2013

Circular No: NP/301 /13
TO: The Secretary,
All Retired Members’ Branches and Regional Councils

Dear Colleagues,


Arrangements have been made for the 2014 National Retired Members Advisory Conference to take place on Thursday, 24th April, commencing at 13:00 in the Concert Room, Doncaster Trades & Labour Club, Doncaster.


The Advisory Conference consists of a maximum of four delegates per Region. Retired Branches and Regional Councils are therefore invited to nominate retired members as delegates. Four nomination forms are enclosed herewith.

There will also be a National Advisory Conference Committee consisting of two delegates per Region. Two nomination forms are also enclosed.

Please also find a nomination form for internal conference positions and external committees.

The closing date for receipt of nominations at Head Office is Friday 28th February 2014. Head Office will meet delegates’ legitimate travel and subsistence expenses but only with a valid receipt.

May I please bring to your attention to Rule 4 of the National Retired Members Advisory Conference Constitution:

Each Retired Members Branch shall have the right to nominate four delegates, who shall be retired members or have been resettled under ill health or PT&R. In the event of a Regional Council having more than one Retired Members Branch, two nominees from each Branch shall be permitted, subject to a maximum of four nominees per Regional Council. A Regional Council which does not have a Retired Members Branch may, if it so wishes, has the right to nominate four delegates.

Therefore only Retired Member Branches and Regional Councils can nominate delegates to the Conference and Liaison Committee. Nomination forms received which are not supported by a Retired Members Branch or a Regional Council will not be accepted.

I would advice branches in a region which does not have a Retired Members Branch to go through the appropriate Regional Council to ensure retired members can attend the conference and Liaison Committee.


I would also take this opportunity to seek resolutions for inclusion on the Conference Agenda. Resolutions, which must deal with issues directly relating to pensioners, should also reach Head Office by Friday 28th February 2014.

The Conference is entitled to submit two resolutions, which must deal with issues directly affecting pensioners, to the Union’s Annual General Meetings. Two representatives of the Advisory Conference may attend the Annual General Meeting to move the resolutions.


As you will be aware the Retired Members Conference was moved from London to Doncaster as a result of the increasing number of delegates attending this event. This has inconvenienced some delegates who have to travel a great distance. It has been agreed that accommodation in Doncaster will be offered on a limited basis to those delegates who have a genuine problem with the travelling.

If a delegate meets the above and requires one nights’ accommodation can they please indicate this on the Conference Nomination Form for consideration.

Yours sincerely,

B. Crow
General Secretary