Network Rail Pension Scheme – Proposals

My Ref: MRP 1/8/3                                              3rd March 2015

                                             Circular Num: NP/034 /15

To: The Secretary All Branches & Regional Councils

Dear Colleagues,

Network Rail Pension Scheme – Proposals

I refer to Circular NP/013/15, 26th January 2015, as you will recall resulting from management’s decision to link the 2013 actuarial valuation of the Network Rail Pension Scheme, the ceasing of Contracting-Out and the ongoing pay negotiations, the RMT has formally written to Network Rail rejecting their proposal.

In response management requested a meeting of the Network Rail Pension Forum which was held on 24th February. Once again the RMT and our sister unions informed management that the three issues above have to be discussed separately.

While our stance has clearly come as a big disappointment to Network Rail, the trade union side has consistently told management that we are prepared to discuss the pension issues separately through the Pensions Forum. Management agreed to take the trade unions comments away and would respond accordingly.

The latest report outlining the above was placed before the General Grades Committee on 26th February where the following decision was made:

“That we note the report on file and that we have restated along with the other Trade Unions that we regard the valuation, contracting-out and the pay agreement as separate issues. All further developments to be placed back before the General Grades Committee”

I will keep you informed of any developments.

Yours sincerely,


Mick Cash
General Secretary