Pension and Passes - Tube Lines

Dear Colleagues,


Referring to my previous Circular No IR/331/13 6th June 2013, please find below for your information and attention the General Grades Committee decision dated 11th July 2013.

“We note the report from our lead officer, and discussions which have took place at the recent meeting of our Tube Lines industrial and health and safety representatives.

We note that the Transport for London Comprehensive Spending Review has now taken place, and that the 12.5% funding can only lead to further cuts.

We note that this dispute has now been running for nearly two years, and that management have continually promised answers and given none. We note that our LU Engineering and LU Fleet branch both meet next week, and seek their views on pursuing industrial action on this issue. We seek co-ordination with other members in London Underground and across Transport for London, and with ASLEF if possible.

Reports and developments to be placed in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.”

I will keep you informed for developments.

Yours sincerely,

R. Crow

General Secretary